Encouraging your child to talk is one of the most important roles you will play as a parent. Although all this may seem daunting, with the right techniques you can make a difference and help your child work through toddler speech delay. One of those techniques includes the use of activities to help toddlers to talk.
One of the most important things that you will need to do as a parent is to guide your child through the learning process of life skills including talking, reading, and writing.

While all of these are equally important, the talking skill seems to be the one that you should address with the most importance. You should not expect that your child will have a major interest or ability to do so until they are around one year old.
On the other hand, a newborn baby can still express their interests and demands through sounds like pa, ba, mi, crying, and smiling at certain sounds and voices. As for the talking part, the toddler stage is one of the most important stages.
Bearing this in mind, you should use the period between 12 and 36 months to motivate and encourage your toddler into talking. But are there any techniques and activities to help toddlers talk and will help you get the best results? Absolutely! Read on to find out more.
Know the Speech Development Pace
Before we move on to the activities and techniques that you should practice in order to encourage your toddler to talk, it is important to be aware that there are certain milestones you should try to follow. Still, don’t take these milestones as an absolute — on the contrary, see them as a general guideline.
The Toddler Speech Boost website is a great resource if you want to find out more about the importance of milestones and what goes along with them. By the age of two, your toddler should know around 50 words, and be able to comprehend more complex demands and give open-ended answers.
Additionally, by the age of three, your toddler should know how to ask more complex questions, successfully use pronouns, form complex sentences by stringing three to four words together, and use most of the letters in the alphabet without pronunciation difficulties.
Again, every child has his own learning pace – still it is important that you guide them and encourage them through the process, reacting if you see that there is a lack of interest or a possible learning condition that lies below the problem.
How To Encourage Your Child to Talk
If you want to have an intellectually healthy toddler, you should do your best to keep their interests satisfied and make the learning process a part of free time and plenty of games. The activities and techniques that you should use to motivate them into talking will differ depending on the age and pace that your child is learning at.
The Toddler Speech Boost program comes with a number of tips on how to make the process an entertaining one for your child.
Starting off with the pre-toddler period, you should motivate your child to practice sounds such as ba, pa, and ma. These are all going to be the core of the further development that your toddler will go through. Along with that, you should talk to them through certain activities like dressing, bathing, and feeding. Respond to their facial expressions, and make them respond to your voice.
Once your child is one year old, it is time to use more complex learning techniques without making it a burden. What this means is that pretend play and hide-and-seek games should be the number one way of encouraging them into talking. Additionally, activities such as book reading and storytelling done by you will be a great way to keep your child interested in the learning process.
Then point at objects, colors, and things that are around the room and give your toddler enough time to think about the correct answer. Another fun thing to do is to talk about the sounds that animals make — chances are that your toddler is going to be interested in exploring all living beings, and by learning what a dog, cat, or bird says, you will entertain them and expand their vocabulary.
Your toddler is now 2 years old and it is time to use more complex techniques. Still, this doesn’t mean that the fun has to disappear. On the contrary, choose a story that they like and ask them to retell the main plot and describe the given characters. Playing around with objects and practicing the shapes and sizes is a great way to make talking a part of the playtime.
Along with that, you should encourage your toddler to talk with guests and family members. This way, they will practice forming complex sentences and giving answers that are not only yes or no, focusing more on open-ended answers.
One of the best ways to motivate your toddler into talking is through the nursery rhymes and rhyming songs. Also, asking them to name certain body parts is a great way to practice their vocabulary while also giving them a better insight into the human body.
The Secret Ingredients of Successful Speech Activities
Parenting is wonderful but definitely can have its challenges from time to time. Keeping a positive attitude and making speech activities a part of your child’s playtime can be a big boost.